The prospect of finding a love match can sometimes feel like looking into a kaleidoscope; hundreds of competing thoughts and feelings tumble together. Hope, excitement, and a sense of adventure can be mixed with doubts and worries. Maybe you just feel overwhelmed by the idea, and you are not sure where to begin.
That’s a perfectly natural reaction, and you are certainly not alone! Sometimes, it can be easy to put the issue off by telling yourself you are not ‘ready’ for a relationship. But how do you know if this is really the case or not? It is a shame to shut the door on life-enhancing romance for no good reason. Here are a few things it can be helpful to consider.
Life goals
Maybe you feel some pressure to have your life in a certain place, or achieve particular career or personal goals before you pursue a relationship. But perhaps it’s more about feeling ready, rather than assembling the perfect blend of life ingredients before you consider finding love.
Even if you do wait until you have that mortgage or promotion in the bag, there is no guarantee that the perfect person or relationship will roll up to order. Perhaps it is better to ask yourself if you are ready emotionally to share your life with another person. If the answer is yes, then nothing should hold you back!
There can be pressure to pair off, especially if all your friends are beginning to announce weddings and baby plans. Maybe your family have certain expectations, or you are just tired of attending social events alone. There is nothing wrong with wanting to find a partner for any of these reasons; you are only human and it is natural to want to feel accepted.
However, the first and foremost reason for wanting to meet someone should be that it will make you happier. This will make it much more likely that you will form a positive and fulfilling relationship with a person you genuinely enjoy being with.
It is something of a cliché to say that to care about someone else, you have to care about yourself first. However, perhaps this advice is repeated so often because it contains an element of truth. There are some practical steps you can take if you feel your mental and physical health need a boost of self-love.
Eating a healthy balanced diet and keeping an eye on junk food and caffeine intake is another oft-given piece of advice, but it really can affect your mood and the way you feel about yourself. Getting enough sleep and regular exercise also help to keep you positive and energized, but we expect you already know this!
Perhaps more difficult issues to tackle are past losses or traumatic events. If you have recently been through a divorce or bereavement, then it is natural and probably best to take some time to grieve and heal before moving on. Making time for your friends, interests and favourite hobbies can help you to feel happy and whole again.
Most of us lead busy lives, whether we are in a relationship or not. Sometimes, it can feel that it takes a lot of effort to just make time for work, family and friends, and hobbies and self-care. How could we also fit the demands of a relationship into this schedule? Where would you even begin?
Many people feel daunted by the prospect for signing up for a dating app, for example. Others are just disillusioned by the disposable culture they encourage, which is tough for all but the most emotionally robust. A more intelligent and discerning route may be to get in touch with an executive dating agency.
They will have experience and expertise of matching people like you with someone who has similar life-goals and interests. You will have the opportunity to discuss your requirements with an engaged human being, rather than attempt to wrangle with computer algorithms.
This approach is likely to save you a lot of time and emotional energy, that would otherwise be wasted on unsuitable dates. You want to be sure that your dating experiences are positive and enjoyable, even if they don’t result in meeting the one!
You may just end up discovering a fabulous new restaurant, however the date works out afterwards. If you feel you can approach the dating game with an open mind, without a dread of rejection or a need to mould yourself to another’s expectations, you are most definitely ready for a relationship!
Select Personal Introductions has helped to establish successful, long-term relationships for over the past two decades. Call our experienced matchmakers today on 0161 872 3900 to begin your dating journey.