Long-Lasting Relationships: What’s The Secret?

Do you ever look around your life and wonder how there are so many happy couples out there, people who seem to have found the one, while you’re still struggling to find the secret to eternal love?

Well, of course, there is no one size fits all approach to long-lasting relationships and a huge part of success is finding out what works for you and your partner, but there are a few little tricks of the love trade that could help you maximise your chances of going the distance.

Remember that relationships are tricky and the landscape can be difficult to navigate, and it’s something that you’ll have to work on each and every day throughout your lives, but the pay off is certainly worth it and you’ll find you have something special to treasure, as a result. 

Here are just a couple of ideas that could help you keep the spark alive and build something deep and long-lasting with the partner of your dreams.

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Embrace honesty

Being as honest with your partner as you possibly can, no matter what’s going on, is absolutely essential as any kind of falsehoods or dishonesty will only breed mistrust and undermine your relationship in the long run.

It’s also essential that you’re honest with yourself about your own thoughts and feelings, and don’t suppress anything – however uncomfortable it may be. Ignoring something and hoping it will go away on its own means it’s likely to snowball and, before you know it, your relationship will have started to suffer.

Prioritise conflict management

It’s a fact – you and your other half are bound to cross swords at some point. Arguing is inevitable, but it’s also healthy and it shouldn’t be avoided. The key here is to decide how you and your partner will handle conflict management together ahead of time, so that you can get to the root of the problem and solve whatever’s wrong, instead of letting it fester.

Being direct and saying what’s bothering you can help clear the air far quicker than if you avoid discussions or if issues are internalised and never really addressed

But it’s also important to avoid pointing the finger of blame and to avoid making generalisations about behaviour, as this can make people defensive. It’s all about expressing your feelings without offending your partner, which can do more harm than good.

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Practise appreciation

Practising appreciation and gratitude can make a huge difference to all your personal relationships, not just with your partner.

It does take practice, however, so start off small by being grateful for little things like someone opening a door for you or for bringing in the shopping bags and build up from there. The more you turn your attention to what you have to be thankful for, the more areas for gratitude you’ll find.

Sexual satisfaction

Sex is a hugely important part of any relationship and it can be helpful to discuss proclivities with your partner early on so you can find out if you’re likely to be compatible in the bedroom, in terms of sex drive, interests and beyond.

Being intimate with each other will help keep the spark alive but it can also bring you and your partner closer together when the pressures of everyday life get in the way. 

Communication is key to success in the bedroom, so start as you mean to go on – and if you find yourself struggling for whatever reason, going to see a sex therapist or relationship counsellor can prove invaluable.

Share new experiences

Growing together, as well as growing as an individual, can really help ensure that your relationship goes the distance and trying new things and sharing experiences can be a beautiful way to bond and really spend quality time together.

The idea of being “stuck in a rut” is something that all couples dread, but this can be avoided by pursuing new activities and breaking old patterns, increasing your sense of satisfaction as a couple.

Of course, these are just a few little hints and tips to help you and your other half navigate your way through life. Do you have any secrets of success you’d like to share? Get in touch with us today to let us know what you and your partner do that helps you stay together with smiles on your faces.

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