With lockdown restrictions set to be lifted on April 12th, the wonderful world of dating is about to start opening up once again, no doubt welcome news for many of you out there who may have found it tricky to deal with your lack of lovelife over the last year or so.
Of course, the coming months aren’t going to be without their difficulties, however, and if you’re feeling somewhat anxious about dating in a post-lockdown world, don’t panic – you’re by no means alone and there will be countless others feeling exactly the same way.
First of all, remember that communication is absolutely key and this should be at the forefront of your mind from the very first date. If you’re feeling anxious or nervous, tell your date about it.
Talking about it may well help you feel far more confident, as a result – and you may find that they’re feeling exactly the same way, as well… an excellent opportunity for a bit of bonding over the last 12 crazy months!
Being honest about your feelings in this regard will also help set the tone for the rest of your relationship, so you may find you build a connection a lot quicker with someone than you might have done otherwise.
Also decide on what sort of activities you’re comfortable with well ahead of time so you can plan the perfect date. If you’d still rather go for a socially distanced walk, instead of going to a bar when they’re open from April 12th, make sure you stick to your guns. Don’t feel pressured into doing something before you’re ready..
But if you are champing at the bit to get out and about, and start dating properly again, no doubt you can’t wait until the 12th and for life to return to relative normality.
Pubs and restaurants will be open for outdoor service, so there are a few fun options for a date or two, while gyms, swimming pools and spas will also be open with social distancing rules in place, so if exercise is your bag, a training date could be fun. Put each other through your paces!
Theme parks, zoos, drive-in cinemas and drive-in theatres are also permitted to open from April 12th, as well, so there’s lots you and your new date can get up to – finally!
If you’ve been out of the dating game for a while, however, it can be really daunting… but don’t let this put you off. It’s just like riding a bike – before you know it, you’ll be pedalling your way to romantic success.
To help give you a bit of confidence, what about suggesting a phone or video call before the date, instead of just sending texts? This will help you feel instantly more familiar with the person you’re meeting, which will also help maximise your chances of having a great date and building a genuine connection with someone.
Virtual pre-dating can be pretty useful, in actual fact, since you’ll immediately get a better idea of whether someone is right for you over a video call. It’s relatively easy to feel a connection over text messages, but you need to get a sense of someone’s energy and this can really only be achieved face to face. Go to a bit of effort with your virtual date, however – just because you’re not in the same room doesn’t mean you still can’t make it feel like a real first date.
Set the camera up so you’ve got a nice background behind you, work out a flattering camera angle and give yourself a bit of a pamper session so you feel relaxed and date-ready. Away you go!
From a personal perspective, knowing what you want and what you’re looking for before you start looking will help give you an immediate lift. The last 12 months have been strange for us all and it’s possible that your priorities will have changed when it comes to finding romance, so identify what you want and, just as importantly, what you don’t want.
This will help you focus your attention and ensure that you don’t go on lots of bad dates with people who can’t give you what you’re looking for. Just make sure that you’re open and honest, laying your cards on the table immediately, so that you and your date both know exactly where you stand.
So there you have it… now you’re armed with a few hints and ideas for how to start dating again now that lockdown restrictions are finally being lifted. We’d love to hear your tales of dating success, so get in touch to let us know how you’re all getting on.
Looking for a Manchester dating service at the moment? Get in touch with Select Personal Introductions today