7 Top Dating Tips For Amazing Single Mums
Mum Speed Is Fast Enough
Single mums dating – Between finding PE kit, ending arguments, meeting deadlines and maintaining whatever non-dating social life you’ve achieved, it can be difficult to set aside time for yourself. But it’s important too, which is why balancing your desire to find love and everything else in your life can be a challenge. Cut yourself some slack: just choosing to date is a big deal and you have the right, and the responsibility, to take things at a pace you can manage.
At Select Personal Introductions we know how hard it is for single mums to carve out quality personal time when dating, which is why we go the extra distance to make sure their precious time isn’t wasted.
Make Dates Great Again
Remember the things you use to love before the kid(s) came along? Whether that was a spin class, art cinema, kayaking, a spa night, or exploring the outdoors, it’s vital that your first dates make you feel great and one way to do that is to give yourself time to start to do those special things again before you meet somebody, for three reasons:

1 – if you feel good about your life, it will be easier for you to negotiate the first date scenario without insane expectations.
2 – if you’ve got something to talk about that you’re passionate and excited about, you’ll be more confident, and confidence is one of the sexiest things on earth.
3 – When it comes to single mums dating there’s absolutely no reason to miss out on the delights of striking up a new relationship. Having someone new in your life can increase your feel-good factor and enhance your social life!
Be Upfront About Being A Single Mum Dating
It’s one of the toughest jobs on earth, and one of the most worthwhile, and no woman should ever feel that being a single mum is something to apologise for. While there are people out there who may not be interested in dating a single mum, that’s their loss. We only match our members with people who have the kind of qualities and interests that make them compatible, and part of that deal is the willingness to engage with a single mum, and her children. It cuts through all the difficulties of having to explain your situation – we’ve pre-selected dates who are up for that adventure!
Suss Your Dates Before Sharing Your Kids
We screen our members carefully. Really carefully. But you can never be too careful with your children. Any date should earn your respect and trust … and be prepared to wait to learn more than the bare details about your children. Remember that it’s not necessarily reciprocal – a man can share pictures of his kids at very little risk, whilst a single mum sharing details of her children needs to remember that while the man in front of her is almost certainly a prince, she is responsible for her children’s wellbeing and that requires getting to know a new male really well before sharing information with him.
Define Your Priorities Before Dating
There’s no doubt that dating can be a whirl, which is why it’s a good idea to decide your priorities before you jump in. If possible, share those priorities with a friend or family member so that if you start to obsess or over-focus on your new squeeze, they can help you rebalance your commitments so you don’t lose track of the other good and important things in your life.

First Date Dress-Up Tips
This one is so important, and yet so rarely discussed! When you’ve picked out your first date outfit, put it somewhere safe, out of the kids’ reach, and preferably behind a locked door. There is something about date clothes that cause children to approach them, like magnets, with jam, ink and other, even worse, substances! Wait until the last minute to put on your outfit (i.e. after your babysitter has arrived) and then whisk straight out of the door.
Go Slow When Introducing Children To Your Date
We talked about dating at your own pace, and once you’ve found somebody you’re interested in, you still need to take it easy when getting your date together with your children. Of course once somebody is becoming a significant part of your life, you want them to connect with the other significant people in your life, but remember your children don’t have the choices that adults do. A slow approach, lots of quality time without your new love interest as well as with them, and the ability to contribute to the planning of time together will all help your children to adjust and give you and your new partner an enjoyable introduction to creating a wider relationship.
Dating with Select Personal Introductions
A unique professional dating agency for Northwest & Leeds based professionals. We’ve helped to establish successful, long-term relationships for single mums dating over the past two decades. Call our experienced matchmakers today on 0161 872 3900 | 0113 320 0678 to begin your dating journey.