Dating and what your clothes say about you

What your clothes say about you on your first few dates –

Deciding what to wear on a first date is an area where many become unstuck.  People tend 9k=to buy new clothes anticipating what will impress the other person; often ending up looking like they tried far too hard or simply not really giving an accurate portrayal of themselves.  Others end up looking too high maintenance or too eager to impress.  Some women feel the need to look seductive and end up flashing a little too much flesh which can wreak of desperation or give a false impression of their true intentions.  There is definitely an art to finding the right outfit for early dates.

Firstly, don’t even think about buying new clothes for it.

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Professionals dating professionals: Why dating another professional makes sense

Professionals dating professionals: Why dating another professional makes sense

In the world of dating and relationshipsman mediumlarge those all familiar little clichés that variety is the spice of life and opposites attract do seem to carry some weight.  Many of us are drawn to those who are physically different to us or have polar-opposite personalities.  When it comes to professions, careers and how important your professional life is to you; evidence shows that it may be worth your while finding someone on the same wave length.

Whether you hold a managerial position or other high ranking professional status; your motivation, single mindedness, drive and attention to detail will have paved the way for your successful career.  By dating another professional you can rest assured

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