Meeting The Parents? Here Are Our Top Tips For Success!

So the dates have been going well, you’ve been spending more time together, not less, and the way you’re talking suggests that you both can see this actually going somewhere for a change… how jolly exciting!

As wonderful as it is to feel the first flush of love, however, there’s something else a little more nerve-wracking that comes with the dawn of any new relationship… that dreaded first meeting with your respective partner’s parents!

No matter how old you are, it always feels a little intimidating to be introduced to the mum and dad. And, of course, it means that you’re taking the relationship to the next level, which can leave you feeling even more vulnerable and open to heartbreak… which is all entirely normal to feel, just so you know!

Everyone gets these jitters and your other half will also likely be feeling excited and scared, all at the same time… and their parents may also be feeling echoes of trepidation too, so just remember that you’re not alone! It’s a big thing, after all!

But if you are starting to feel overly anxious and want to make sure you make a good first impression, here are some top tips to keep those nerves under control, allowing you to enjoy meeting the parents and let them get to know the real you. Have a read!

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Don’t worry about your outfit

Of course, you want to look nice and feel confident, but changing your clothes time and time again, trying to find the perfect outfit, will only serve to leave you feeling more anxious and agitated… feelings that could continue to manifest themselves throughout the day.

Instead, why not pick out what you want to wear the night before the day itself, so you know you’re happy with your choice and you can concentrate on staying cool, calm and collected.


Lend a helping hand

A great way to calm nerves and help centre yourself if you’re feeling especially nervous is to help out in some way. If you’re at their house, why not offer to do the dishes after dinner? This will keep you busy and give you something to do, as well as showing off your excellent manners – certain to make a good first impression!


Keep the conversation light

There’s a time and a place for intense political discussions, but the first time meeting the parents probably isn’t it. You don’t want to have clashes and heated chats – at least not initially!

No doubt differences of opinion will rear their heads over time, but this is about getting to know them and letting them get to know you… so perhaps try to keep current affairs out of it for the time being.

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Ask questions

Now, we’re not talking intense interrogation here, but showing an interest in your partner’s parents and their lives together is a great way to make a good first impression.

People generally enjoy talking about themselves and sharing stories, so go armed with a couple of good questions and see how the conversation flows. It also takes the focus off you if you suddenly start to feel those dreaded nerves once again!


Don’t drink too much

When you’re nervous, it can be very easy to fall back on alcohol as a bit of an emotional crutch and, while one or two drinks is fine, going overboard can mean you lose control – and this, in turn, can mean that your partner’s parents leave the meeting with a poorer idea of who you are as a person than they might have done otherwise.

Either don’t drink anything or give yourself a two-drink limit. Drinking soft drinks between alcohol can also help you keep a level head and make sure you don’t say or do something you might be squirming over in the morning.


Be yourself

And last but by no means least, our ultimate top tip for meeting the parents is to just be yourself. People can spot fakery a mile away so, even if you’re feeling the nerves and are super worried about the day, just stick to your guns and trust that your partner likes you for you, so their parents will, as well.

Do you have any stories about meeting the parents for the first time? Any top tips of your own? Get in touch to let us know! And if you’re currently single and want the help of an elite dating agency in your quest for love, give us a call today to see what we can do.

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